Sunday, 7 March 2010


The cats may have figured out that something is going on. Or is about to.

Note the copy of "Fundamentals of Statistical Language Processing" on the table.


It is gratifying that Spring always does arrive eventually. The best evidence is the reawakening of bloggers, I suppose.

I took quite some care over the patches outside the dining room window, and it has repaid. the strawberries are going to be good later in the year, but I do rather like the snowdrops.

But imagine my delight on approaching the hive to see that, there were hods of corpses outside (bad news?). Clearing up, I removed the mouse guard to take the casulaties away from the entrance - an angry horde emerged!

Routinely taking the roof off, for the first time I saw LOADS OF BEES, drinking down the lovely fondant. I understand that's what they are supposed to do at this time of year.

Keep your wings crossed.