Tuesday, 30 June 2009


The June offering.

I will set a registered animation as a FYP next year.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Metamorphosis IV

This development took some time and caused a fair bit of Lucy-mirth.

Now she is rather pleased - she says to her guests "it's the one next to the red gateposts".

Saturday, 27 June 2009


Les légumes se développent dans le jardin.

Although it is an endless and largely unsuccessful battle against the birds and slugs.

Les poireaux.

La laitue.

Les betteraves.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Metamorphosis III

The cats regard it as strange and therefore unwelcome. From time to time they will sit up here when the sun is out as it's warm.

Notice how much space there is in the bed. This is because there is only at most one person in it (albeit a big one).

Sunday, 21 June 2009

A botch job

This took a phenomenal time and provoked much curiosity from Lucy. It is a botch job
par excellence, involving old manky harboard and "a bit of wood".

I have only half reloaded it so it is too early to judge success, or not.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

The Cherry Orchard

M and C enquired after the trees, & I pointed out they were a little young to bear prodcue.

"But no!", quoth M.

Just think, Anya. Your grandfather, your great-grandfather and all your ancestors owned serfs, they owned human souls. Don't you see that from every cherry-tree in the orchard, from every leaf and every trunk, men and women are gazing at you?

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Metamorphosis II

Actually, it doesn't look quite like this.

M and C arrived with a sort of thing for small people to sleep on & I am fixing life so that small people can sleep on it.

There will be a dry run on 3rd July when Jens the Dane arrives with his family.

(You can't see the bit in the corner which still needs a bit of care and attention).

Saturday, 6 June 2009

The train to Wales

I have bought the tickets. One each, there and back.

But then there are three train legs: each one requires a seat reservation (each) and two bicycle tickets (each). So here is a picture of "the train ticket".

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Missing Leeds

It's great to see the pictures of the garden and so on.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Le Jardin

Find herewith some time lapse of the garden.

Depending on how well organised I am there will be monthly updates.

A well organised man would register them spatially and for intensity. But do note the appearance of the bird shit on the window (this has now been removed).

Monday, 1 June 2009