Friday, 29 May 2009

A ballot paper arrives

A ballot paper arrives. You have one vote, to be committed with a "X".

I hereby name the parties & the candidates you may know of.

BNP: 6 cands - incl A Brons
Christian Party: 6 cands
Conservative Party: 6 cands - incl T Kirkhope
English Democrats Party: 6 cands
Jury Team: 3 cands
LibDem Party: 6 cands - incl James Monaghan
No2EU, Yes to Democracy: 6 cands
Pro Democracy: 6 cands
Socialist Labour Party: 6 cands - incl K Capstick
Green Party: 6 cands - incl M Hemingway
Labour Party: 6 cands - incl L McAvan, R Corbett, E Hoddinott, D Bowe
UKIP: 6 cands

What shall I do now?

Pay slip

A pay slip arrives.
Or maybe it's an expenses slip.

IT now

A copy of IT Now arrives.
Star postioning for your article.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

In the beginning ...

Noteworthy things may be posted here. And may not.

They may be pictorial.

They may not be surprising.